Nebulizer OMRON C300 Complete

65 db

Noise level

1300 g

Device weight

Three inhalation modes: fast therapeutic effect from upper to lower respiratory tract

Position 1 – Upper respiratory tract

For inhalation therapy of rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis

Position 2 – Middle respiratory tract

For inhalation therapy of tracheitis and tracheobronchitis

Position 3 – Lower respiratory tract

For inhalation therapy of bronchial asthma, COPD, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, bronchiectasis, bronchopneumonia

A wide range of nebulized medications

Quick cleaning



The mouthpiece attachment is included with the device.
Continuous operation
The nebulizer can operate continuously, allowing for multiple inhalations in a row or use by several users. It can be used in healthcare facilities. The compressor does not require a break in operation.
Quick cleaning
Simple and fast cleaning
A wide range of nebulized medications
Compressor nebulizers allow the use of a wide range of medications.
The power cord is built into the device’s body
The power cord is compactly stored within the device’s body and can be pulled out as needed.
Mode selection
The user can switch to the operating mode they need at the moment.

Compliance with European Standard prENEN 13544-1

The European standard prEN 13544-1 defines the main technical characteristics of nebulizers used both professionally and at home.

Nasal cannula
Attachment for nasal cavity inhalations
European production
Made in Italy

Adult mask
An adult mask is included in the package.

Storage case
Durable, convenient storage case. Accessories are always in place.

The three-mode nebulizer chamber allows for effective treatment of various respiratory diseases in the upper, middle, and lower respiratory tracts. The chamber adjusts the particle size of the aerosol, ensuring the medication is delivered directly to the site of inflammation.

The nebulizer is suitable for home use. It is convenient to operate and store. The parts are easy to disinfect, and the package includes a special case that protects the device from dust and other contaminants.

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