Nebulizer OMRON C17



The mouthpiece attachment is included with the device.
Continuous operation
The nebulizer can operate continuously, allowing for multiple inhalations in a row or use by several users. It can be used in healthcare facilities. The compressor does not require a break in operation.
Quick cleaning
Simple and fast cleaning
A wide range of nebulized medications
Compressor nebulizers allow the use of a wide range of medications.

Compliance with European Standard prENEN 13544-1

The European standard prEN 13544-1 defines the main technical characteristics of nebulizers used both professionally and at home.

Nasal cannula
Attachment for nasal cavity inhalations
The package includes an adapter that connects the nebulizer chamber to its attachments (masks, mouthpiece).
European production
Made in Italy

The OMRON C17 nebulizer is a compressor nebulizer designed for use in medical facilities as well as at home. The device is recommended for the treatment of a wide range of respiratory diseases, both chronic, such as bronchial asthma and COPD, and acute, such as bronchitis, bronchiolitis, croup, and pneumonia, which develop as complications from ARVI and other illnesses.

The nebulizer converts liquid medication into an inhalable aerosol. In aerosol form, the medication quickly penetrates the respiratory tract directly to the site of inflammation. The aerosol produced by the device has particle sizes ranging from 2.5 to 2.75 microns, making it suitable for treating the lower respiratory tract.

The device is easy to use and maintain. It is easy to clean, and the nebulizer chamber, mouthpiece, nasal attachment, and adapter can be boiled.

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